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Resolution of the Executive Committee, Munich, Germany,
5-8 September 2010
“PLT Relief and Reinstatement Measures”
, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, broadly representative of
the free profession throughout the world, assembled at its Executive Committee held Munich,
Germany, from 5 to 8 September 2010, passed the following Resolution:
previously resolved
that the Patent Law Treaty (PLT) should serve as a model for those
countries that are not yet contracting parties and that all contracting parties should ratify and
implement the PLT without delay;
that the PLT has currently been ratified by only a minority of contracting parties; and
that some of the provisions of the PLT are particularly important to safeguard the rights of
applicants, while taking into account the legitimate interests of third parties;
all countries, regardless of whether they intend to ratify the PLT, now to adopt provisions
allowing at least for (a) relief in respect of time limits and (b) reinstatement of rights in accordance
with articles 11 and 12 and rules 12 and 13 of the PLT respectively.
EXCO/DE03/RES/003(GB), Berlin, 2003.