When the FICPI Bureau met in late October 2021, the first in-person meeting since the onset of the global pandemic, members took the opportunity to review progress and identify next steps to support the responsibility of the FICPI global community to making the world more sustainable and greener.

I am very pleased to be the champion for the sustainability initiative on the Bureau and reinforce the message that its success depends on very member doing what they can to contribute.

Of course, we are monitoring progress and complying with all relevant regulatory requirements, but, more than that, we are promoting collaboration within FICPI to improve and reduce the organization’s environmental impacts.

One of the areas of greatest progress is in the increasing use of digital communication tools by FICPI. Based on the positive feedback, we know members are enjoying the modern communication platforms.

We have a rich programme of webinars, the latest of which is the “FICPI Focus 45” series which is currently underway. The past two Open Forums were online interactive events, featuring hot topics and high-quality speakers. We also have launched a new and much improved website with an updated design and easier navigation.

In-person events, with top quality speakers at enjoyable global locations, will always be an important part of the value of FICPI to members. We all miss spending time with each other and renewing old friendships.

One of the areas in which we could still do more, and for which we seek the support of the entire FICPI global community, is to minimise the use of paper and reduce packaging. This is a challenge we are all tackling in our own firms and it would be good to share each other’s ideas.

Next steps: share your ideas

If you have examples of best practices in reducing the use of paper, something that can be shared with all FICPI members, then I would love to hear from you at [email protected].




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