EPO, G 1/18: To be, or not to be, inadmissible on appeal
20 Dec 2019
EPO opinion on whether appelants will be reimbursed if their appeal is found to be “inadmissibe" rather than “nonexistent". In its opinion G 1/18 issued...
India’s Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) programme speeds ahead
Posted by Swarup Kumar
20 Dec 2019
India’s Patent Prosecution Highway is now in operation, allowing expedited examination of patent applications. A bilateral agreement between the Indian Patent Office and the Japan...
WIPO renews mandate for IGC on genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and folklore
17 Dec 2019
The mandate was renewed at WIPO’s Fifty-First (24th Ordinary) Session from 30 September to 9 October 2019 The WIPO General Assembly has renewed the mandate...
Progress slow on Country Names/Nation Branding in the November SCT Meeting
Posted by Toni Ashton
16 Dec 2019
Move over country names: protection of Well-known Marks raised; plus possible new international treaty for Rep. of Korea. Country Names/Nation Branding have been an issue...
Progress on ICANN dispute resolution procedures and WHOIS information
11 Dec 2019
ICANN’s public meeting demonstrates desire for action Some progress on improvements to  dispute resolution procedures and to meet lawyers' need for WHOIS information related to...
Trade issues influence IP landscape
Posted by Kim Finnilä
10 Dec 2019
Highlights from the WIPO Consultation with NGOs, November 2019. FICPI attended the consultation that WIPO Director General, Francis Gurry, led with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in...