The President is head of the Bureau, which also consists of the Vice President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer General and one or more Deputy Secretaries General. The members of the Bureau are elected by the Executive Committee (ExCo) and all of the positions are honorary.

The Bureau holds monthly meetings, mostly remotely by videoconference, but the work of the Bureau is conducted daily.

The work of the Bureau is periodically reviewed and approved by the ExCo.

Name Company National Group
Dott. Roberto Pistolesi
Dragotti & Associati S.R.L.
Vice President
Name Company National Group
Mr. Michael J. Caine
Davies Collison Cave
Secretary General
Name Company National Group
Ms. Elia Sugrañes
Sugrañes S.L.P.
Treasurer General
Name Company National Group
Dipl.-Ing. Uwe R. Borchert
patcare Patentanwälte
Deputy Secretary General
Name Company National Group
Mr. Swarup Kumar
Kumar & Sardana Associates (KSA)
Dr. Sharon E. Crane
Haynes & Boone LLP
United States