Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. M.S. (MIT) Patrick Erk

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FICPI Honour

  • Member of Honour

Roles in FICPI

  • CET 3 International Patent Matters

    CET Group 3 focuses on developments of the international patent system and provides guidance to its users.

    Such developments can relate to both substantive and procedural aspects of patent law, and CET3 follows them across jurisdictions.

    CET3 identifies issues that deserve study, conducts the studies and provides guidance through various outputs available to the users of the patent system such as Guidelines, Position papers, and Resolutions. CET3 actively contributes to forging and advocating the position of FICPI in discussions on patent law harmonisation in key study and discussion groups such as the Group B+ and at the forums established by WIPO.

    CET3 also monitors and studies international agreements and conventions relating to patents, follows the developments of the PCT system and, where necessary, provides comments to WIPO and relevant authorities for defending a well-balanced international patent system.

  • Member
  • German
  • English
  • French