Mr. Essenese Obhan

Country/Region of practice
About me

Essenese Obhan is a managing partner at Obhan & Associates. Mr Obhan is an IP lawyer, patent agent, and has a degree in mechanical engineering. While he has drafted, prosecuted and litigated cases in the mechanical, chemical, pharmaceutical, software, telecommunication and agricultural sectors, he has also been at the forefront of several high stakes IP licensing and litigation matters in India. In particular, he has represented both the Indian seed industry in their licensing dispute concerning genetically modified seeds as well as various Indian mobile manufacturers in their SEP discussions with SEP owners. He advises many companies, including some from Fortune 500, and India’s leading businesses on developing and maintaining their patent portfolios and IP strategy and licensing.


Academic Qualifications

LLB, BE Mechanical

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Experience & Qualifications

Technical Specialisms
  • Mechanical, electro-mechanical and mechatronic engineering
Professional Experience
  • Licensing and IP-related agreements
  • Patent drafting
  • Patent litigation
  • Patent oppositions
  • Patent prosecution

Roles in FICPI

  • CET 6 Software, High-Tech, and Computer Related Issues

    CET Group 6 focuses on IP issues facing innovators in software, high-tech and other computer-related fields.  Group 6 is also responsible for monitoring and staying current with trends related to patent subject matter eligibility issues affecting these technology fields.  Group 6 is the voice and authority within FICPI on issues and trends related to all emerging digital technologies and IP practice-related issues for practitioners representing clients in these technology fields.

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  • English