Resolution of the Executive Committee, Rome, Italy, 2-7 May 1960

Protection of Pharmaceutical Products

FICPI, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, broadly representative of the free profession throughout the world, assembled at its Executive Committee held in Rome, Italy, May 1960, ratified the following Resolution passed at its Rome Congress, from 2 to 7 May 1960:

Considering that substantial differences exist between the national legislations of various countries in regard to the protection of pharmaceutical processes and products;

That the Rome Treaty makes provision for bringing national legislations into line within the European Economic Community;

That the acceptance for patenting of inventions relative to pharmaceutical products may constitute a valuable factor in the expansion of scientific research, technical progress and
improved exchanges between countries in a field which is particularly important not only from the industrial point of view but also as regards the protection of public health;

Passed the resolution:

That the different countries and more particularly those which have signed the Rome Treaty setting up the European Economic Community should, as soon as possible, examine ways of bringing their national legislations into line, with a view to protecting inventions regarding pharmaceutical products and processes for preparing them. 


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