Ivan Ahlert
Dannemann Siemsen
Served as Vice President of the CET from 2012-2018, Vice President of FICPI for the 2018-2022 term
Dr. José-Luís Arnaut
CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
President of EUCOF, 2006-2009.
Mr. David Bannerman
David Bannerman served as President of the CET for three consecutive terms from 2000-2009 and President of the Statutes Committee from 2009-2015.
Mr. Gustavo Barbosa
Assistant Secretary General, 2015-2018.
Mr. Charles Berman
FB Rice
President of the Contact Commission, 2015-2018
Lord Justice Colin Birss
As a non-member, Lord Justice Birss was appointed as a Member of Honour by the Executive Committee for his numerous appearances at FICPI conferences as a speaker.
Mr. David Carmichael
Former Leader of the SEAD Course.
Mr. Marc Chauchard
Marc Chauchard served as FICPI Treasurer General from 2006-2022.
Mr. Philip A. Coyle
F. R. Kelly & Co.
Philip Coyle served as President of the Admissions Commission from 2003 to 2015. Prior to that he served as Reporter General of the CET from 1994 to 2003.
Dr. François Curchod
As a non-member, Dr Curchod of WIPO was appointed as a Member of Honour by the Executive Committee for his valuable contributions to FICPI.
Dott.ssa Delfina Domenighetti-Fiammenghi
Fiammenghi - Fiammenghi
Assistant Secretary General, 1991-1997.
Dr. Patrick P. Erk
Grünecker Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
President of Professional Excellence Committee 2015-2021
Mr. Chris Everitt
Chris Everitt served as President of the CET for two consecutive terms from 1994 to 2000.
Hon. Judge Michael Fysh SC QC
As a non-member, Judge Michael Fysh was appointed as a Member of Honour by the Executive Committee for his numerous appearances at FICPI conferences as a speaker.
Mr. Barry Graham
Served as Vice President of the CET from 2015-2018, elected councillor in 2022.
Mr. David Griffith
Former President of the Contact Commission.
Dr. Klaus Grabinski
Unified Patent Court
As a non-member, Dr, Grabinski was appointed as a Member of Honour by the Executive Committee for his numerous appearances at FICPI conferences as a speaker.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Hano
Assistant Secretary General, 2006-2009.
Mr. Michael Hawkins
President of the Publications Committee, 1997-2003.
Mr. Didier Intès
Cabinet Beau du Lomenie
Training & Education Committee President 2015-2022.
Dott. Guido Jacobacci
Jacobacci & Partners S.p.A.
Guido Jacobacci served as Assistant Secretary General from 1960-1963 and as an elected Councillor from 1985-1994.
Mr. Tipton Jennings IV
Finnegan Henderson Farabow
Former Elected Councillor.
Mr. Terry Johnson
Terry Johnson served as Assistant Secretary General from 1991 to 1994. He later served as President of the Community Secretariat of FICPI (COMSEC, predecessor to EUCOF) and President of the Trade & Services Committee (TASC) until 2003.
Mr. Jean-Jacques Joly
Former Secretary General.
Mr. Lennart Karlström
President of EUCOF from 2009-2012. Councillor until 2022.
Mr. Peter Kelly
F. R. Kelly & Co.
Former President of the Finance Advisory Board (FAB).
Mr. John Knox
Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh & Co.
President of the Finance Advisory Board (FAB), 2015-2018.
Ms. In-Sil Lee
Former FICPI Korea Delegate, Ms Lee appointed Commission of Patents at KIPO in 2022.
Mr. Luiz Leonardos
Luiz Leonardos e Advogados
Former Elected Councillor.
Dott. Ing. Michele Mannucci
Ufficio Tecnico Ing. A. Mannucci
Assistant Secretary General, 2000-2003.
Mr. David Merrylees
Elected Member of Council, 2006-2015.
Hon. Chief Judge Paul Michel
As a non-member, former Chief Judge Paul Michel was appointed as a Member of Honour by the Executive Committee for his numerous appearances at FICPI conferences as a speaker.
Mr. Jan Modin
Noréns Patentbyrå AB
Vice President, 2006-2009.
Mr. Alastair Neill
Former President of the Finance Advisory Board (FAB).
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmitt-Nilson
Assistant Secretary General, 2003-2006.
Mr. John Orchard
President of the Publications Committee, 1991-1997.
Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat. Axel von Hellfeld
Former Leader of the EuroSEAD Course.
Mr. Robert Storey
Former President of the Membership Committee and co-chair of the DEIA Committee.
Mr. Alan Senior
Former Elected Councillor.
Mr. Mark Wilson
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Assistant Secretary General, 2012-2015.
Mr. Andrew Parkes
Andrew Parkes Consulting
Former Elected Councillor.
DI Peter Puchberger
Puchberger & Partner Patentanwälte
Peter Puchberger served as Vice President from 1991 to 1994 and as President of the Meetings & Planning Committee (MAP) from 1994-2006.
Mr. Miguel O'Farrell
Former Elected Councillor.