Image: Brochure

FICPI World Congress 2022 // The IP Courts Online

€ 100.00



IP Offices and courts were already using remote communications technology for some procedures before the pandemic. Urgent applications to the court could be made by telephone, VICO was available for some hearings at the EPO and other Offices, and some national courts were piloting videoconferencing. But the global public health emergency made this a necessity, and, in many jurisdictions, videoconferencing became the default overnight.

As travel becomes possible again and people can congregate safely, should we revert to in-person hearings as standard? Online hearings have advantages in terms of convenience, cost, training and participation: they are also good for the planet if they mean less travel. But are they best for parties who want their “day in court” to ensure their case is presented in its best possible light?

This session will:

  • Explore the pros and cons of online hearings for the parties, the Offices/courts and representatives.
  • Consider how best practice differs between in-person and remote hearings.
  • Highlight potential pitfalls for those attending online hearings.
  • Discuss how best to present your client’s case through a webcam and headset.
  • Consider what future opportunities technology offers to improve hearings and other procedures before Offices and courts.

Why attend? By attending this session, delegates will understand the pros and cons of online hearings for their clients and themselves, gain an appreciation of how their “performance” on camera comes across to the judge or Board and be better equipped to handle online hearings in the future.

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