Image: Brochure

FICPI World Congress 2022 // Getting Things Done - Implementing Strategic Objectives

€ 100.00

We know what we need to do for an IP firm to be more successful; like win new clients and improve efficiency: but often these key objectives are not achieved. “Getting things done” means different things to different people; in this session we will focus on implementing your strategic goals.

This session will:

  • Examine the psychological barriers that prevent us achieving our business objectives
  • Explain different approaches to delivering objectives
  • Provide examples of the successful implementation of these approaches in an IP Environment

We will also be looking for volunteers for periodic meetings through the coming year where we will focus on the practical implementation of these theories on real life objectives, with the aim of reporting back to the 21st FICPI World Congress in London next year on what worked, what did not work and why.

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