Mag. Dr. Daniel Alge

Country/Region of practice
About me

Daniel Alge is owner of SONN Patentanwälte in Austria. He is FICPI EUCOF president and is a member of FICPI's Study & Work Committees: CET 4 European Patents, and CET 5 Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals.

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Roles in FICPI

  • Ex Officio Member
  • CET 4 European Patents

    CET Group 4 studies the issues of the European Patent and the preparatory works of the Unified Patent and the Unified Patent Court. We are also following other regional patents (Eurasian Patent, ARIPO, OAPI, etc.). Our group members regularly meet officers of the European Commission and the European Patent Office.

  • Member
  • CET 5 Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

    CET Group 5 is dedicated to following, reporting and providing substantive comments and opinions on emerging issues relating to the patenting and regulatory affairs in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical fields. 

    In addition, CET 5 is closely following developments related to genetic resources and developing requirements for notice on their country of origin.  Prominent issues CET 5 addresses regarding patenting in these technological fields include subject matter eligibility, and in particular, the patentability of chemical/biological inventions developed using machines, computer implementation and/or artificial intelligence.  CET 5 supports FICPI in its mission to be an international leader promoting patent protection in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical arts.

  • Member