EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme
Posted by Robert Watson
06 Jun 2023
The EUIPO - European Union  Intellectual Property Office is running programmes for both paralegals and practitioners with start dates for both later this year. Places...
Hungary amends Patent and Utility Model Acts
Posted by Erika Farkas
02 Jun 2023
Act LV amending several industrial property laws, including the Patent and Utility Model Acts, entered into force in Hungary on January 1, 2023. Act...
Ukraine adopts law on Geographical Indications for spirit drinks
Posted by Igor Alfiorov
02 Jun 2023
The Ukrainian Parliament recently adopted a bill on geographical indications for spirit drinks (the term existing and taken from EU legislation), which was signed...
KIPO updates Trademark Examination Guidelines for “virtual goods” effective from August 2022
Posted by Min Son
01 Jun 2023
Reflecting the rise of virtual worlds such as the metaverse, the revised Korean Trademark Act, which came into effect as of August 4, 2022,...
KIPO adopts ST.26 Standards for Sequence Listings for patent applications
Posted by Min Son
23 May 2023
As of July 1, 2022, a new international sequence listing standard, WIPO Standard ST.26 for nucleotide and amino acid sequence listings, became effective in...
Korean Supreme Court clarifies declaration timing of pre-filing disclosures
Posted by Min Son
23 May 2023
South Korea allows a one-year grace period for pre-filing disclosures by inventors or applicants so that these disclosures are not regarded as prejudicial prior...