If you have an item you would like to write for the newsletter, please send your idea to the FICPI newsletter editor: [email protected]
- Key discussion points – bullet point style is fine
- Key takeaways
- Your proposed submission date
- If you prefer to talk through your idea, please call Catherine on (UK) 0800 998 7990 or (UK mobile) 0794 166 9925 or email [email protected] to arrange a Zoom or other online call.
The FICPI Editorial Board will consider the ideas and selected ideas will be taken into the newsletter; others will be used as part of general publishing to the FICPI website.
How understandable is this for colleagues for whom this is not their specialist area? Consider: How the piece harmonises or supports FICPI’s positioning below. (Full communications document will be available shortly.)

The newsletter is governed by the tenets of the Communications Charter and will contain factual information.
Other information:
Write in third person. Business tone, not too colloquial nor too impenetrably technical.
The newsletter will be distributed on the last week of every month.
The newsletter is designed to inform and share information across the FICPI membership. It will keep the membership updated with key developments from internal and external meetings, FICPI commissions and sub-groups, plus include details on upcoming events and reports. The categories our news will cover will broadly break down into several areas:
- FICPI News – i.e. reports on FICPI activities, official visits, lobbying efforts, reports on internal and external meetings/events, elections, special programmes and projects, etc.
- IP News – i.e. news on changes and developments in the world of IP; country and region updates, legislative changes, practice changes, important case-law, etc.
- Announcements
- Advertising upcoming FICPI meetings and, on occasion, third party meetings that FICPI may sponsor.
As the newsletter is monthly, it is not designed for breaking or time-sensitive news. It is not designed for opinion pieces or thought pieces – those would be welcomed as blog submissions.
The newsletter is designed to be read online, with layout for ease of screen reading, and it provides plenty of clickthroughs to full items on the main FICPI site or external sites, for additional detail and further reading.
Breaking or time-sensitive news can be highlighted on FICPI’s LinkedIn account if you @ notify us (when you start typing @FICPI in LinkedIn, you will see the federation name and you can click on that to @ notify us).
We will include 4-6 stories per issue in the Table of Contents, plus a hotlink to the upcoming events listing. We will seek to cover items of interest across a broad range of membership as this the newsletter is the primary mechanism for the whole membership to receive regular updates on FICPI’s work.
Tone of voice:
Business-family tone, designed to get attention and provide enough of a taster for people to click through to more details.
Specific guidance on articles:
So that newsletter articles, blog items, and other news items on the FICPI site appear more harmonious and of a similar visual and written standard, we are developing specific guidelines for news items which will appear on the site. These will also apply to newsletter articles.
Please use this linked Google document as your guide