Resolution of the Executive Committee, Goa, India
15 to 20 March 2024

Replacement of single gender references in IP laws, rules and guidelines

FICPI, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, broadly representative of the free profession throughout the world, assembled at its Executive Committee held in Goa, India, 15 to 20 March 2024, passed the following resolution:

OBSERVING the disparity in the use of the IP system by women1 and in the number and progression of female attorneys in the IP profession2;

NOTING that many IP laws, rules and guidelines contain references to a single gender that is male;

RECOGNISING that efforts have been made in some jurisdictions to amend IP laws, rules and guidelines to move towards gender neutral language;

ENCOURAGES all jurisdictions to move towards gender neutral language in IP Laws, rules and guidelines (where available).

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