Ms. Anne Lévy
Cabinet Brandon IP
64, rue Tiquetonne
75002 Paris

Anne Lévy is a French and European trademark & design attorney. She is co-managing partner of Brandon IP (formerly Blétry & Associés), a French boutique firm specializing in IP matters since 1866, now the Brandon Rezac group.
Anne has an extensive background in IP strategy and commercialization. After gaining valuable business and management qualifications in France and the USA, she acquired commercial experience in Europe and US.
In 1991, Anne became involved in the French IP strategy and commercialization firm Brandon Valorisation, where she learned more about intellectual property law and gained experience in IP strategy, IP valuation, patent commercialization and licensing.
Anne gained a Masters in IP law and qualified as a trademark & design attorney and was instrumental in acquiring Brandon IP (Blétry at the time) in 2003, managing and growing the firm to the practice it is now, having expertise in patenting a variety of technologies and a wide and extensive international trademark and design practice.
With Anne’s diverse background and experience, she is not only active in advising clients in filing and pre-litigation and litigation support services but also in building customized development strategies using intellectual property rights and viewing intellectual property as a major asset for her clients to generate revenue.
Anne Lévy is a French and European trademark & design attorney. She is co-managing partner of Brandon IP (formerly Blétry & Associés), a French boutique firm specializing in IP matters since 1866, now the Brandon Rezac group.
Anne has an extensive background in IP strategy and commercialization. After gaining valuable business and management qualifications in France and the USA, she acquired commercial experience in Europe and US.
In 1991, Anne became involved in the French IP strategy and commercialization firm Brandon Valorisation, where she learned more about intellectual property law and gained experience in IP strategy, IP valuation, patent commercialization and licensing.
Anne gained a Masters in IP law and qualified as a trademark & design attorney and was instrumental in acquiring Brandon IP (Blétry at the time) in 2003, managing and growing the firm to the practice it is now, having expertise in patenting a variety of technologies and a wide and extensive international trademark and design practice.
With Anne’s diverse background and experience, she is not only active in advising clients in filing and pre-litigation and litigation support services but also in building customized development strategies using intellectual property rights and viewing intellectual property as a major asset for her clients to generate revenue.
Besides her professional activity at Brandon IP and Brandon Valorisation, and managing a family as a mother of two children, Anne joined the bureau of the French FICPI association (ACPI - Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle). She joined the Bureau of ACPI in 2012 as the vice secretary and has been the secretary for 5 years. She is still active in the Executive Committee.
Also graduated in mediation.
Internationally, Anne is the President of PMC (Practice Management Commission).
Business school x IP law x mediation
my children!
Experience & Qualifications
- IP auditing
- IP counselling
- IP due diligence
- Licensing and IP-related agreements
- Trade mark counselling
Roles in FICPI
CET Executive
The President of the CET is elected by the ExCo.
The CET further includes at least one vice president, a Reporter General and an Assistant Reporter General, who, together with the president are responsible for managing the CET.
The Chair and members of the sub-groups are chosen by the CET, after consulting the Bureau and the Council for opinions, from lists of candidates including members of the national associations or national sections and, in suitable cases, individual members. By proposing members of the groups, the member national sections and associations are able to influence FICPI policy.
Members of the Bureau and the presidents of PMC and TEC are ex officio members of the CET.
- Ex Officio Member
DEIA Committee
- Member
Nominating Committee
- Member
Practice Management Committee
- President
Webinar Committee
- Member