Ms. Virginia Beniac-Brooks
Level 40 140 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Experience & Qualifications
- Biochemistry and pharmacology
- Biology; agricultural science
- Biomedical engineering; medical devices
- Biotechnology; plant technology
- Chemistry
- Patent litigation
- Patent oppositions
- Patent prosecution
- Trade mark oppositions
- Trade mark prosecution
Roles in FICPI
CET 1 Trade Marks
CET Group 1 deals with all issues that are related with trade mark registration, prosecution, maintenance and protection.
The group's field of work includes national trade marks, EU trade marks and international trade marks in accordance with the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, with a special focus on the harmonisation of laws at international and national level. FICPI’s focus is to improve the legal position of brand owners and facilitate the work of trade mark practitioners.
In addition, as the group has a high understanding of the interaction of trade marks with other IP and related rights and the importance of Internet for trade mark owners. There is a special focus on geographical indications and domain names.
- Member
DEIA Committee
- Member