Mr. Kim Finnilä

Country/Region of practice
About me

Kim Finnilä / European Patent Attorney

Kim retired from professional practice in February 2021. He has an extensive background in IP, lately focused on patents, portfolio and conflict management and related litigation.

He still remains active in IP organisations and related delegations and working parties: Reporter General of the Study & Working Committee of FICPI and member in the International Patents group; as well as Acting Chair of the Litigation Committee of epi. He is also past President of the Finnish Association for Corporate Patent Agents and past President of the European Patent Institute -  epi. Kim has also been a Board member of the Finnish AIPPI Group and the Association for Industrial Property Rights as well as the Association for Finnish Patent Attorneys. This has given him an in-depth knowledge of how patent matters are dealt with in the patent profession, in industry and with authorities, as well as in international non-governmental organisations.

IP matters require concentration, patience and perseverance; something he continuously cultivates in his free time by various forms of exercise and expanded culinary activities.

As always, he remains open for new challenges!

Social Media

Experience & Qualifications

Technical Specialisms
  • Construction and civil engineering; structural engineering
  • Energy; power generation, storage and transmission; renewable energy
  • Trade Secrets
Professional Experience
  • IP counselling
  • IP due diligence
  • IP valuation
  • Patent litigation
  • Patent oppositions

Roles in FICPI

  • CET Executive

    The President of the CET is elected by the ExCo.

    The CET further includes at least one vice president, a Reporter General and an Assistant Reporter General, who, together with the president are responsible for managing the CET. 

    The Chair and members of the sub-groups are chosen by the CET, after consulting the Bureau and the Council for opinions, from lists of candidates including members of the national associations or national sections and, in suitable cases, individual members. By proposing members of the groups, the member national sections and associations are able to influence FICPI policy.

    Members of the Bureau and the presidents of PMC and TEC are ex officio members of the CET.

  • Reporter General
  • CET 3 International Patent Matters

    CET Group 3 focuses on developments of the international patent system and provides guidance to its users.

    Such developments can relate to both substantive and procedural aspects of patent law, and CET3 follows them across jurisdictions.

    CET3 identifies issues that deserve study, conducts the studies and provides guidance through various outputs available to the users of the patent system such as Guidelines, Position papers, and Resolutions. CET3 actively contributes to forging and advocating the position of FICPI in discussions on patent law harmonisation in key study and discussion groups such as the Group B+ and at the forums established by WIPO.

    CET3 also monitors and studies international agreements and conventions relating to patents, follows the developments of the PCT system and, where necessary, provides comments to WIPO and relevant authorities for defending a well-balanced international patent system.

  • Member
  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • English
  • French
  • German