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Event Information


Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021
Time: 16:00 – 17:30 (CEST)

The AIPPI Standing Committee (SC) on IP & Green Technology, and SC on the Digital Economy, will co-present a Joint AIPPI Webinar with WIPO GREEN (part of the World Intellectual Property Organization) on June 3, 2021 at 4pm CEST. AIPPI will host the online event, which will be promoted widely to its members comprising high caliber IP professionals from around the world, and to other interested attendees. A recent AIPPI Webinar by the IP & Green Tech SC on similar issues attracted about 200 attendees.

This Webinar will focus on key WIPO GREEN efforts to promote investment, development, international awareness, and collaboration to achieve greater adoption of critical innovations and IP to address Climate Change and related environmental and social problems globally. For example, WIPO GREEN enables matches between green tech innovators and technology users and adopters in different and distant countries around the world. This is facilitated by WIPO’s deep experience, network and critical information resources, which WIPO GREEN is also further developing—while using digital technologies—to help users access its data and tools more quickly and efficiently.

The panel will include green tech and IP experts from around the world, including major patent authorities in certain key countries, multi-lateral and international organizations, and from industry and private practice.

The Webinar will also focus on key areas where Green Tech and the Digital Economy converge. This overlap is evident in areas like transportation (e.g., electric cars and self- driving cars), smart electrical grids, and the smart home—all of which may combine digital tech elements to create greater energy, and environmental, efficiencies. As WIPO experience shows, many less obvious but critical opportunities also arise, such as the use of micropayments to enable safe drinking water in poverty-stricken areas, for example.