Welcome to the FICPI Denmark and Study & Work Committee (CET) Seminar 2025!

[welcome blurb required]




Registration, Breakfast and Coffee






What is new in Designs?






Two years of the UPC



Coffee break



Divisionals: patent applications around the world



How to get involved with FICPI



Networking, sandwiches and refreshments

Right Body

The Programme


Claus Elmeros, President FICPI Denmark and Robert Watson, President CET, will welcome the Delegates to the FICPI-DK Seminar.

What is new in Designs?

Jürgen Buchhold, Chair, Design Study Group (CET 2), will apprise the delegates with updates from the world of Designs.  With contributions from:

  • EUIPO Speaker
    • EU Design Reform
  • Frantzeska Papadopoulou Skarp and Marcus Norgaard, ATRIP
    • DK copyright and functional protection
  • Rob Katz, Vice President CET
    • Comparison with US Design/Copyright

Two years of the UPC

Mauro Eccetto, Chair, Dispute and ADR Study Group (CET 7), will provide a ....  With contributions from:

  • Roberto Pistolesi, FICPI President
    • Practical experience as a representative
  • Claus Elmeros, President FICPI Denmark
    • Practical experience as a technical judge

Divisionals: patent applications around the world

Robert Watson, President CET, will introduce the topic of Divisionals.  With geographical contributions from:

  • AU/NZ and some of Asia – Michael Caine, FICPI Vice President
  • JP (& KR) – Katsumori Iseki, Chair CET5
  • US – MaryAnne Armstrong, Reporter CET3
  • LATAM – Sharon Crane, Deputy Secretary General
  • CA – Brett Slaney, Chair CET6 (or Louis-Pierre Gravelle, Vice President PMC)
  • IN – Richa Pandey, Assistant Reporter General CET (or Swarup Kumar, Deputy Secretary General)
  • EP/DE – Christian Wende, Chair CET4 (or Uwe Borchert, FICPI Treasurer General)
  • Africa – Rowan Joseph, Chair CET5

How to get involved with FICPI

Elia Sugrañes, Secretary General, will give an introduction to FICPI and explain how to get involved in the Federation's committees.  With contributions by:

  • Roberto Pistolesi, President
  • Robert Watson, President CET
  • Louis-Pierre Gravelle, Vice President Practice Management Committee (PMC)
  • Sharon Crane, Assistant Secretary General, The FICPI Academy (TEC)

What is the Study & Work Committee (CET)?

The largest of FICPI's committees with more than 200 members active in one or more of seven specialised sub-groups.  

Using highly effective working methods, the CET is able to produce high quality, detailed opinions, often at very short notice.

The work of the CET is split between seven sub-groups, each has a Chair and Reporter.  The groups deal respectively with:

  1. Trade marks
  2. Designs
  3. International patent matters
  4. European and other regional patent matters
  5. Tech-related patent issues
  6. Pharma and biotech patents
  7. Litigation and enforcement

Click here to find out more.