We are living in a world where the pace of change continues to increase dramatically. This makes it vitally important, even though it is even more difficult, for an organisation like FICPI to keep abreast of developments and initiatives around the world. 

Therefore, it is crucial that members of the FICPI business family continue to connect and share relevant information within our global community while also strengthening FICPI’s representation and advocacy on behalf of the independent IP profession. 

FICPI delegates to the Executive Committee are an essential link in this chain. They keep FICPI informed and provide a conduit to, and influence, on people in each country who assist in implementing FICPI’s views.

How a Delegate Influences FICPI’s Positions

To present representative views of the independent IP profession in their country or region to enable FICPI to take proper account of the needs of its members, a FICPI delegate should:

•    Be aware of the views of the free profession in their country/region.
•    Where time permits, discuss relevant questions with the membership in their country/region and solicit their views and opinions.
•    Be involved in the activities of the profession in their country/region.
•    Ensure that FICPI membership is maintained at a level that is representative of the profession in their country/region.
•    Promote active participation of members of their country/region to FICPI committees and groups.

It is the responsibility of the Bureau and CET to provide adequate warning to delegates of issues that will be raised at an ExCo meeting to allow delegates to gather the views of the profession in their country/region and present those views to the ExCo.

How a Delegate keeps FICPI Informed

It is important to keep the Bureau and Committee Presidents informed of matters of relevance to the independent IP profession from each country/region. This includes:

  • Changes in the law
  • Changes in practice
  • Proposals for reviews
  • Official attitude to matters of international relevance

It is also important to provide timely responses to questionnaires and requests for information from the CET, PMC and other committees.

How a Delegate Informs Members of the FICPI Community

It is also important for a delegate to inform members of the FICPI community in their own countries/regions of FICPI’s decisions, resolutions and submissions, so that members are equipped to influence these outcomes at the time they are being debated and formed.

How a Delegate Influences Others

Delegates should:

  • Establish contacts directly or indirectly, as appropriate, with local institutions, government bodies, officials of the local patent and trade mark offices and other relevant government departments.
  • Establish relationships between their FICPI association or section and the local IP attorneys’ institute or other relevant professional bodies where it may be possible to influence those bodies to the FICPI view.
  • Present copies of FICPI’s submissions and position papers on relevant issues to those influencers most relevant to FICPI. 
  • Make detailed and reasoned submissions in response to consultations, surveys, proposed law/practice changes and the like having the potential to impact members and/or their clients, referring to FICPI's resolutions and position papers in the submissions as appropriate. 
  • Seek support and assistance as and when required from FICPI, particularly the CET, when preparing such submissions. 
  • Promote the image and reputation of FICPI.
  • Keep the Bureau advised as how it might help.

How a Delegate Promotes Membership in FICPI

A delegates should actively encourage properly qualified IP practitioners to join FICPI. A high level of membership is necessary to ensure:

  • FICPI fairly represents the views of the free profession.
  • FICPI’s views are given weight.
  • FICPI remains relevant.
  • Local FICPI activity is possible.

How a Delegate Promotes FICPI’s Core Messages

A delegates is a key part of FICPI’s voice at the national/regional level. In many countries/regions they might be the only FICPI voice. It is vital that everything that FICPI communicates reinforces FICPI’s core messages, so that members, potential members, clients and those whom FICPI seeks to influence have a clear idea of FICPI, its character and objectives.

Delegates should therefore:

  • Adhere to the FICPI Communications Charter.
  • Ensure that all communications on behalf of FICPI conform to the key principles of the Charter.
  • Ensure that they perform the simple communications tasks which are set out in the Charter.
  • Maintain a website for their national/regional FICPI group.

How a Delegate Maintains Local Statutes

  • Ensure the statutes for their country/region are appropriate and up to date.
  • Keep the Secretary General informed of any changes.

A Delegate Provides Regular Reports on, covering:

  • Activities of FICPI in your country/region.
  • Meetings of FICPI members.
  • Meetings with officials.
  • Submissions made by FICPI in your country/region.
  • Changes in membership.
  • Elections of office bearers.
  • Changes in law, practice and major cases.
  • Proposals for new legislation, guidelines, etc.