Resolution of the Executive Committee, Goa, India
15 to 20 March 2024

Procedural Rules for ex-officio objections in Contentious Proceedings

FICPI, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, broadly representative of the free profession throughout the world, assembled at its Executive Committee held in Goa, India, 15 to 20 March 2024, passed the following resolution:

RECOGNIZING that in various jurisdictions around the world IP offices and competent IP courts have procedural rules in contentious proceedings which avoid the raising of new ex-officio objections, thereby restricting the subject-matter to the submissions of the parties at least for the second instance of such contentious proceedings,

BELIEVING that such an approach procedure has proven to be fair and effective without compromising the quality of decisions,

ACKNOWLEDGING the strong demand by IP users around the world for fair and efficient proceedings in a reasonable period of time,

URGES that IP offices and competent IP courts around the world continue with this practice or align their approach with this practice.

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