After a formal examination of the application, the Admission Commission of FICPI will invite all National Associations and National and Regional Sections of FICPI, all individual members in the applicant’s country or administrative area, the referees, and any other person it is believed would be able to provide relevant information, to comment on the application.

The Admission Commission will then present an opinion to the Executive Committee of the Federation, which will make the final decision at its next meeting. Under certain circumstances, the Bureau of FICPI may admit members, and this could shorten the admission process. The applicant can help by responding promptly if it proves necessary to request further information from the applicant.

FICPI members rely on other FICPI members to be trustworthy in both professional and financial matters. Article 7 of the Statutes requires all applicants expressly to declare that they will abide by all provisions of the Statutes, Rules and Code of Professional Conduct. We specifically direct your attention to Article 9.B.1.c of the Statutes and to Rules 3, 6, 8, 8 bis and 9 of the Code of Professional Conduct.