Attendance at the Bureau, CET, Council and Executive Committee Meetings are all by prior invitation only.

The governing body of FICPI is the Executive Committee (ExCo), which consists of delegates from each of FICPI’s member National Associations and Sections.

Saturday 11 October

09:00-17:30 // Bureau Meeting

19:00-22:00 // Bureau Dinner

Sunday 12 October

09:00-12:30 // CET Meeting

12:30-14:00 // Council Lunch

14:00-17:30 // Council Meeting

19:00-22:00 // ExCo Welcome Cocktail

Monday 13 October

09:00-12:30 // ExCo Morning Session

12:30-14:00 // ExCo Lunch

14:00-17:30 // ExCo Afternoon Session

Thursday 16 October

14:00-17:30 // ExCo Afternoon Session

Saturday 18 October

09:00-12:30 // Bureau Meeting

12:30-14:00 // Bureau Lunch

Right Body


FICPI ExCo Goa March 2024 - delegates


Cannes Congress 2022 voting at ExCo