In the competitive world of business development and marketing, the journey to success is often paved with lessons learned through experience. Members of a business development focus group within the international organisation FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle) recently shared their insights on what they wish they had known when they started out.

Their reflections offer valuable guidance for both newcomers and seasoned professionals in the field. Started in September 2024, the group now meets on the second Tuesday of every month to discuss various business development topics, fostering a collaborative environment for sharing knowledge and strategies and springing from FICPI’s Practice Management Committee.

A typical agenda for a monthly session is a first icebreaker session of business development success stories from members of the group. We then move on to any updates on ongoing surveys, research or conference seminars that are in the pipeline. The core of the session is a discussion on a particular topic related to business development or marketing. Some examples of topics that have already been a focus of a monthly session include: how to attend conferences effectively; investigating new services relating to business intelligence; challenges and benefits of a good CRM system; and reciprocity.

Some upcoming topics to be discussed include: advertisement of use of AI; and effective client visits. Topics are decided based on specific requests from members or picked out as a topic of interest during our success stories icebreaker. In some cases where the group believes a topic to be of interest to the wider FICPI community, the group may plan and execute information gathering surveys, write reports, articles or blogs, and hold webinars and workshops for FICPI members.

Insights from experienced FICPI members

The following insights from FICPI members provide a roadmap for navigating the complexities of business development and marketing, emphasising the importance of authenticity, strategic planning, and client-centric approaches.

Mark BellDr Mark Bell, Partner, Dehns, UK

“Find something that suits your skills and interests. Business development and marketing takes many forms. If you are more of an introvert, writing articles or posting on LinkedIn may feel more comfortable than in-person networking.

“Be patient. Business is done between people who trust and like each other. Put in the effort to get to know lots of people, without expecting instant wins. Be yourself and opportunities will arise, sometimes when you are least expecting them. When opportunities do arise, take them and make the most of them.

“Serve your clients well, focusing on being responsive and approachable. A lot of work comes from existing clients and word of mouth recommendations.”

Bastiaan KosterBastiaan Koster, Partner, Von Seidels, South Africa

“Looking back, I wish we had developed or acquired a CRM system earlier. We could have put in place a more formal/best practices debriefing process when people return from conferences and overseas BD trips.

"We should have used reciprocity of work smarter, with more input from more partners in a coordinated manner, earlier.”


Anne LevyAnne Levy, President, FICPI Practice Management Committee, and Partner, Brandon IP, France

“Be yourself, be sincere, do not pretend that you are like the person you are talking to.

“Do not hesitate to ask questions, to be curious. Show interest to the people you meet either for the first time or your usual clients.

“Sometimes when I send reminders to the clients/potential clients about a project we discussed, I ask myself whether I will bother them, whether I will appear too insistent and that it will not be well-perceived. I don’t have these concerns any longer, people usually understand why you are doing this, that you want to collaborate with them, help them, or just have another occasion to discuss with them.”

Dr Niti DewanDr. Niti Dewan, Head of Patents & Business Development, R. K. Dewan & Co, India

“Treat every client with the same respect and care regardless of size and profitability. On the one hand because it is the morally correct thing to do, and on the other because you never know how a client’s company will develop.

"A start-up today may be a blue-chip tomorrow.”


Laura ManneringLaura Mannering, Patent Attorney, Bryn Aarflot AS, Norway

“When engaging with potential new clients, initiate a discussion about the company's IP strategy and how it aligns with their business goals. This approach resonates with the client's perspective.

"Avoid starting the conversation by stating that you are a patent attorney who can obtain patents for them, as this may lead to confusion and frustration. The potential client might not immediately see how this service supports their business objectives.”


Eduardo de Mello e Souza, Partner, Dannemann Siemsen, BrazilEduardo de Mello e Souza

“Get to know your client's business and find a way to add value to it. What are its challenges? What are its needs? You will find it easier to generate new business in the intersection between your client's business needs (what are they trying to accomplish) and your skills (how you can help).”


Dima LitvakDima Litvak, Partner, Dr. Reinhold Cohn & Partners, Israel

“Business development is a profession: it’s not something that just happens; you need to actively learn the craft or collaborate with people who are skilled in it. Understanding strategies, client needs, and the value of networking are key aspects you have to master. Know your competition: knowing who your competitors are and understanding their strengths and weaknesses helps you differentiate yourself. This knowledge can also guide you to create more effective strategies to position your services uniquely in the market. Prioritise relationships over quick wins: focus on building genuine, long-term connections with clients and partners. Listen to them, understand their needs, and consistently add value. The trust and loyalty that develop from strong relationships will lead to sustainable growth.”


FICPI's view and involvement

FICPI uniquely combines education and advocacy on topics around patents and trade marks, with a focus on developing the professional excellence of its individual members.

In our field of intellectual property, business development skills are frequently honed through trial and error. Many professionals in our industry come from science or law backgrounds and lack formal training in client acquisition and business growth. FICPI Forums, Congress, committees and meetings are opportunities to gather insights from the international IP attorney community on any issue, whether it be practice-related or topics of patent and trade mark law.

Get involved

  • The PMC Business Development and Marketing group is invaluable, as it consolidates years of experience and accumulated knowledge into one "virtual" room, providing a rich resource for learning and development. If you would like to take advantage of the group, we are a friendly community excited to welcome new members. If you have a special interest in this topic or want to share information and follow the latest updates, you are welcome to join PMC's Business Development and Marketing Group. Please contact me at [email protected]
  • Consider getting involved in FICPI's other Practice Management Committee Study & Work Groups, find out more at: