FICPI is an association which has built, and continues to strengthen, a worldwide community of independent Intellectual Property attorneys to promote common solutions and advocacy for private practice.

FICPI supports its worldwide community of like-minded IP professionals with activities which include:

  • Collecting and distributing relevant information.
  • Study of reforms and changes which impact the ownership, security or effectiveness of IP rights.
  • Promoting positions, reforms and changes which are in the best interests of members.
  • Providing training and education.

FICPI is established under the following names:

  • Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle
  • International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
  • Internationale Föderation von Patentanwälten



Right Body



All members adhere to the Statutes. You may read the Statutes in English, French or German. The Statutes, as issued and amended in Goa 2024 may be accessed below.


All members adhere to the Rules.  The FICPI Rules can be read in English, French or German.

Code of Conduct ("the Lugano Code")

All members adhere to the FICPI Code of Conduct for members can be read in English, French or German.


Please find below the policies and procedures FICPI officers adhere to.