FICPI is a wonderful community, with members across the globe building trusted connections with each other and making a huge contribution to economic growth in whatever country we are based.

It is a very special business family.

We are all very much concerned with IP, and are now making great strides to better communicate and share the advantages of FICPI membership and the great things we achieve together, either within our own community or to interested third parties.

Over recent months, I have had the pleasure of following our President’s focus on communications and moving towards telling a more compelling and engaging story. Julian Crump has supported every single step and has been involved in every detail.

As a result, we have launched this blog as one of several ways in which we are strengthening our ability to articulate more clearly the value of membership of FICPI.

Which is where you come in.

The FICPI blog needs you!

One of the great ways that those trusted relationships are built as the foundation of the FICPI community is the strong shared interest among members.

We are the only organisation exclusively for independent IP attorneys.

As a result, we find ourselves among like-minded people all striving to strengthen, promote and advocate for private practice.

As an individual member, one of the huge areas of value for you is how FICPI makes the world a little bit smaller, bringing your colleagues from around the world together to connect, share knowledge and grow.

A lot of that takes place at our high-quality events and through participation in forums, commissions and meetings.

Unfortunately we are not always available to attend all, or even some of the meetings.

The newsletter articles will provide you with valuable outputs from the meetings and this blog provides another valuable place where we can help each other grow, connect and share knowledge.

We know you have deep insights into aspects of the world of the independent IP attorney and our clients.

We know you have well founded opinions and views to share to the benefit of your fellow FICPI members around the globe.

Your blog topic might be:

  • A best practice in your own firm or country that others should know about.
  • The heads up about a change in regulations or rules that will affect how you collaborate with fellow FICI members in other countries.
  • A story that will inspire others about how membership of FICPI benefitted you, your firm and clients.
  • A point of view about something FICPI could do differently or better – and why.

How to contribute to the blog 

It’s quick and easy to write a blog.

We only need around 500 words of copy and our professional editor Catherine Dhanjal is on hand to give you all the help you need.

Email Catherine at [email protected] to let her know you are willing to contribute, the suggested topic and the timing.

Check the guidelines for writing a blog, and then get on that keyboard and share your thoughts with the rest of us.

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Fostering better engagement across FICPI