Sunday 16 June

Session 1 : Navigating the Complexities and Challenges of Overlapping IP Rights
Can the configuration of a fold-up bicycle or rowing machine be the subject of enforceable copyright? Does disclosing a product in a published utility patent automatically prevent it from protected in a later design? Can a trade mark be opposed based on a geographical indication? As practitioners we tend to think of IP rights in silos, but some of the most interesting and intractable issues arise where different forms of IP overlap. In this session, we shall look at several scenarios where different kinds of IP rights collide from a UK, U.S. and Canadian perspective, and shed light on the fascinating dilemmas that arise.
Moderator: Michael Conway (HLK, United Kingdom)
Rob Katz (Banner Witcoff, U.S.A.)
Michelle Noonan (Deeth Williams Wall, Canada)

Session 2 : The Psychology of Examination (It Ain’t What You Do, It’s the Way That You Do It) 
As much as statutes and case law may direct examination, its sharp end is (for the moment at least!) embodied by an Examiner: human, fallible, subject to a range of emotional states and reactions. In a world where marginal gains can be paramount, the difference between helping an Examiner to reach a favourable conclusion and incurring their wrath can mean everything.   Against this backdrop, and from UK, Canadian and U.S. perspectives, the panel will investigate different approaches that can be employed (or avoided!) when seeking to get optimal examination results.  We shall also seek insight from an Examiner’s perspective.
Moderator: Nick Noble (Kilburn & Strode, United Kingdom)
Matthew Larson (Senior Examiner, UK IPO, United Kingdom)
Sharon Crane (Haynes Boone, U.S.A.)
Philip Mendes da Costa (Bereskin & Parr, Canada)
Alistair Hindle (Hindles, United Kingdom)

Monday 17 June

Session 3 : What do you want from your career in IP? And how do you get there?
The average age of newly qualified IP attorneys is now 30.  Many new-joiners have postgraduate degrees or have spent time in industry; some move across from administrative roles. How can we ensure they all have an equal chance to thrive?
Is success in the profession defined by making partner? There is evidence that some young professionals are less focussed on equity partnership. Many firms now offer Director or “Of Counsel” roles. Is this the best way to retain talent and attract lateral hires?
In this session, we shall hear from attorneys whose own career paths were unpredictable, learn about the benefits of a diverse workforce, and discuss how different firms strive to incentivise attorneys over the course of their careers.
Moderator: Kate O’Rourke (Mewburn Ellis)
Flora Hachemi (HLK, United Kingdom)
Salvatore Anastasi (Barley Snyder, U.S.A.)
Keri Johnston (Johnston Law, Canada)

Session 4 : Innovative Sparks: Charting the IP Horizon with Lightning Talks
Embark on a “yomp” across the IP landscape with a series of quick-fire presentations that will illuminate the rich history of Scottish innovation, probe the exciting interface of AI and Pharma, and demystify the accounting of self-generated patents. The panel will delve into advancements of AI in IP drafting, and with more topics to come, the session promises a stimulating discussion. Be ready for a surprise that will add an extra spark to our lightning round of exploration and discovery in the dynamic world of IP. 
Moderator: Julian Crump (Abel+Imray, United Kingdom)
William Clarke (Wilson Gunn, United Kingdom)
Peter Finnie (Potter Clarkson, United Kingdom)
Louis-Pierre Gravelle (Bereskin & Parr, Canada)
Andrew Hicks (Field Law LLP, Canada)
Alicia Instone (Cleveland Scott York, United Kingdom)
Anna King (Banner Witcoff, U.S.A.)
Andy Meikle (BSKB, U.S.A.)
John Osha (Osha, Bergman, Watanabe, Burton, U.S.A.)
Kenji Sugimura (Sugimura & Partners, Japan)
Christian Wende (DTS Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Schnekenbühl und Partner mbB, Germany)

Tuesday 18 June

Session 5 : Global Perspectives on Inventive Step
Dive into the world of patent examination as we dissect the inventive step assessment methodologies employed by the European Patent Office (EPO), United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). Our experts will highlight key distinctions, considerations, and trends shaping inventive step/non-obviousness determinations in these diverse jurisdictions. Gain practical insights that will empower you to navigate the intricacies of international patent prosecution with precision and strategic acumen.
Moderator: Robert Watson (Mewburn Ellis, United Kingdom)
Serge Shahinian (Lavery, Canada)
MaryAnne Armstrong (BSKB, U.S.A.)
Takayoshi Kawai (Sugimura & Partners, Japan)
Ravi Srinivasan (JA Kemp, United Kingdom)
Session 6 : The Art of Persuasion: Mastering Oral Arguments in IP Proceedings
Explore effective advocacy strategies in this session focusing on IP hearings in the UK, U.S., Canada, the European Patent Office, and the EUIPO. Expert speakers will discuss presenting persuasive arguments to Examiners, Hearing Officers, Opposition Divisions, and Appeal Boards, whether in-person or via videoconference. The panel will address structuring arguments, delivering them persuasively, and adapting your approach for different settings. Enhance your skills to navigate confidently pre- and post-grant IP hearings, including inter partes disputes. Join us to refine your oratory skills for impactful arguments. 
Moderator: Howard Read (Acapo, Norway)
Danny Huntington (Rothwell Figg, U.S.A.)
Louis-Pierre Gravelle (Bereskin & Parr, Canada)
Richard Davis KC (Hogarth Chambers, United Kingdom)


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