Respected, selected, call collected.” So said Alice Cooper, but how? Sometimes people ask me how they can join a FICPI committee or get elected to a certain position. They suggest that the FICPI “ladder” is shrouded in secrecy, and you must be in some kind of clique to advance. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth and, to be brutally honest, if the person asking has been a FICPI member for some time, it probably means they haven’t been very involved to date. FICPI loves volunteers and will always find a home for someone who is willing to give their time. The best way is just to ask someone in the current leadership and let them know you are interested. Believe me, you won’t need to ask twice.

However, no one in FICPI can know everyone, and we understand that some people are better at coming forwards than others. So, to make the FICPI election process better and more widely understood, and to leave no stones unturned in our search for enthusiastic volunteers, the Nominating Committee was established by the Executive Committee (ExCo) in 2018, at the World Congress in Toronto, under the presidency of Doug Deeth.

The Nominating Committee, comprising the immediate past president as Chair, the current president, the heads of the CET, PMC and FICPI Academy, and two past or present ExCo delegates designated by Council, is charged with identifying suitable candidates for those positions within FICPI that are to be filled by election by ExCo. To this end, it collaborates with the Bureau and must submit to the Secretary General a slate of candidates for election no later than three months prior to the ExCo meeting at which the elections are to be held. It is also the job of the Nominating Committee to apprise members of the opportunities and responsibilities involved in holding elected positions in FICPI.

There are no pre-requisites for any of the elected positions in FICPI, other than that the nominee must be a member. Anyone can put themselves forward for election for any position, but they must have two proposers, both of whom must also be members, and at least one of whom is an ExCo delegate, or a person holding an elected position in FICPI. A copy of the Nominations Form can be downloaded from the FICPI website. Nonetheless, it is preferred that candidates should have experience in the operations of the Federation, and Guidelines laid down by the ExCo to assist the Nominating Committee and candidates specifies the preferred amount and kind of experience that is recommended for each elected position. For example, a candidate for president of FICPI should ideally have served at least two terms as a participant at ExCo meetings as a delegate or otherwise and at least one term as a member of the Bureau. Without this experience, it is difficult to see how someone could successfully carry out the role of president, for example.

Current holders of elected positions are canvassed by the Nominating Committee to find out if they wish to continue in their role or whether they wish to try something different.  They are asked to think about who should succeed them, either at the next election or further ahead and, importantly they are also asked who in their committee(s) should be put forward for a more advanced position. There is a significant advantage in FICPI’s 3-year terms in allowing elected officers time to learn the job and to “get stuff done” before they move on, but FICPI also recognises the importance of continually refreshing the elected positions. While the Statutes do not prescribe term limits for any of the elected positions, apart from the President (who is limited to a single 3-year term), the Nominating Committee should endeavour to identify and nominate new candidates for any roles where, by the time of the election, the incumbent will have held the position for two or more terms (more than about six years).

The Nominating Committee is currently preparing a list of candidates for election at the next World Congress

So, if you are interested in an elected position in FICPI, please contact me or any other member of the Nominating Committee for an informal chat or submit a Nominations Form with the signatures of two proposers. The Nominating Committee is now hard at work with the Bureau on preparing a list of candidates for election at the next World Congress, which will take place in October 2025, in Naples.

Please rest assured that the deliberations of the Committee are confidential and, unless special circumstances arise, the Committee will not publish the name of any candidate who was considered for any position in FICPI. Further information can be found in the Guidelines.