Image: Crane, Sugranes, MorrisonFICPI’s legacy is as an organisation built on a truly global community of independent IP attorneys.

Founded more than 100 years ago, FICPI currently has more than 5,500 members drawn from 80 countries and regions across six continents.

The FICPI business family makes the world a little bit smaller, bringing independent IP attorneys from around the globe together to connect, share knowledge and grow.

However, we understand that, to reach our full potential as an organisation and to be an effective community of members from around the world, there is more to be done. 

For that reason, we have created Project Inclusion.

FICPI embraces the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as a core idea in our culture and business strategy. 

DIVERSITY is the representation of different kinds of people in FICPI – this includes, but is not limited to, representation across gender, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation, cultural background and physical and mental attributes.

EQUITY is the process of ensuring that processes and programmes are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.

INCLUSION means instilling a sense of belonging to the organisation by ensuring that every person has an opportunity to contribute at any level and feels safe in doing so. 

There will be a lot more news in the near future about new initiatives to support and promote DEI within FICPI.

The first step in Project Inclusion is the creation of a group of FICPI members, the composition of which speaks to the diversity and inclusion that FICPI has already achieved, to make recommendations on the opportunities, challenges and plans that would support FICPI’s ambitions to be a model professional member organisation in its support and implementation of the DEI principles.

Please contact us if you would like to get involved in the initiative.

Coleen Morrison
President, Study & Work Committee (CET)

[email protected]

Elia Sugrañes
Deputy Secretary General

[email protected]

Sharon Crane
Chair, CET Group 5 - Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

[email protected]

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30th March webinar - Edward Kwakwa, Assistant Director General at WIPO