As part of the Cooperating Agreement between FICPI and the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Law Section (ABA-IPL), which was renewed last year for a second 3-year term, Julian Crump, as president of FICPI, was invited to attend, as an Honoured Guest, the ABA-IPL Fall Council meeting and Annual IP WEST Conference. The meetings took place in in San Antonio, Texas USA, on October 1-3, 2019. Due to scheduling conflicts, Julian could not attend; however, Barry Graham attended on behalf of FICPI. Barry is the president of the FICPI Membership Commission and FICPI's Liaison to the ABA-IPL.
George W. Jordan, III, Chairperson of the ABA-IPL for 2019-2020, acknowledged during the meetings FICPI's attendance as an Honoured Guest. During the meetings, Kevin Greenleaf, ABA-IPL Meeting Board Chair, and Barry spoke on ways to increase membership in FICPI and the ABA-IPL. Attendance at the Council meeting and the Leadership Dinner after the Council meeting allowed Barry to observe the leadership of the ABA-IPL in action, to discuss FICPI with many of the leaders, and to seek new members.
Regarding the IP WEST Conference, approximately 150 registrants attended the Conference. The programs put on were well done and very informational and included a welcome reception and two keynote luncheons, one by Director of the Texas Regional USPTO Hope Shimabuku, the other by IP Attorney at the Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Kurt Hammerle. Barry's attendance at these various events also allowed him to discuss FICPI with many of the Conference attendees and seek new members. It also permitted Barry to meet in-house IP counsel who expressed interest in speaking at FICPI's events and who made very good presentations during the Conference. FICPI also had a table in the Exhibitors Hall at the IP WEST Conference.
The ABA-IPL will hold its 125th Anniversary celebration at next year's Annual Meeting on April 1-3, 2020 in Washington, DC. FICPI, again, will attend as an Honoured Guest.