The session on Day One commenced with opening remarks from the Secretariat and welcomed the participants. Following the new electoral cycle established at the thirty-fifth session, the Committee elected a Chair and two Vice-Chairs, who were set to serve for two consecutive sessions starting immediately after the conclusion of the thirty-sixth session, with the outgoing officers not eligible for immediate re-election. The App Association's request to become an ad hoc observer of the SCP was considered. 

Further which, the Report on the international patent system provided an update on the SCP electronic forum, encouraging Member States and regional patent offices to share recent developments regarding patentability requirements and related issues.

Additionally, a draft reference on exceptions for the extemporaneous preparation of medicines, outlining the objectives and international legal framework, as well as provisions in regional and national laws, including relevant court cases was presented. The presentation addressed challenges faced by Member States in implementing this exception and discussed the outcomes of these efforts, aiming to foster collaboration and discussion on critical aspects of the international patent system.

Nevin Jacob Koshy attended the meeting virtually on 14 October, representing FICPI. 

FICPI members may read Johan Ortenblad's report on Day 2 at:

Chair WIPO Standing Committee on Patents 36th meeting -  October 2024

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The Thirty-Sixth Session of WIPO's Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) took place in Geneva, Switzerland from October 14 to October 18, 2024 in hybrid form – with delegates and observers attending physically in Geneva, Switzerland, and via remote participation from around the world.

Copyright: WIPO. Photos: Emmanuel Berrod. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.