14:00 - 15:30 // Thursday 5 October
The unglamorous side of counterfeit goods
How many children have to die from counterfeit goods, or how many accidents will befall people because a counterfeit product fails?
This session will highlight recent developments in the battle against these products.

Luis-Alfonso Durán (ES)
FICPI // Executive Committee Alternate Delegate Spain
Managing Partner, Durán-Corretjer

Neha Chugh (IN)
FICPI India Treasurer
Partner, IPR International Services

Detective Sergeant Andrew Masterson (UK)
Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit, City of London Police

John Pickerill (US)
FICPI Member
Partner, Fredrikson & Byron

Pawat Varapirom (TH)
FICPI Member
Partner, TMP Intellectual Property